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Going to the Zoo in Hawai‘i (Hardcover)
by Mora Ebie, Jon J. Murakami (Illustrator)
List Price: $10.95


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Book Description
It’s time to go to the zoo! Every child loves going to the zoo–especially in Hawai‘i where you can walk through colorful Waikiki, wave at lifeguards and surfers, and see the Duke Kahanamoku statue along the way.

Spend a beautiful Hawaiian day at the zoo watching and learning about fantastic animals such as hippos, flamingoes, elephants, monkeys and the native Nene. Children of all ages will love identifying the different animals while learning basic fun facts in this full-color book!
Product Details
Reading level: Ages 4-8
Hardcover: 28 pages
Publisher: Mutual Publishing (July 2006)
Language: English
ISBN: 1566477905

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